Monday, May 2, 2016

How To Kill Fleas on Dogs With Few Cents?

Convey to you my experience in getting rid of fleas in carpet and bed:
First of all, we did not discover this until after the spread and as have told you I thought it cockroaches bites, but Stings and insomnia throughout the night was on the rise, and began to show the impact of stinging widely and on whole family's skin, until we found one of them walked over the bed, it was a thunderbolt, and from here we started to search for the rest of the flea army, the resistance and the weapons collection began to prepare for fleas war.

The first thing we have done is to change the external bed sheets for mattresses and leaving it soaked with water for a day or two.

We started to expose all "mattresses of the house" to the sun at peak time, since the time of nine o'clock, to the even time of 2:00 p.m..

The best place is the roof of the house or enclosures for balconies, because the sunlight spreads better there.

After exposing them to the sun for several days, washed all the linens and bedspreads with detergents well and exposed them in the sun to dry.

At the time, vacuum all carpets, mattresses, linens, and even the tablecloths, use Portable Electronic Vacuum Cleaner to draw all dropped fleas and eggs on the mattresses

vacuum is the best way to get rid of fleas in carpet, as the machine get the fleas out of the carpet with their eggs and larvae.

We bring furniture, because the fleas were hiding there also, even if were not in large infestations, but to ensure that the fleas be eliminated permanently everywhere, we exposed them to the sun first then painting them with wood painting, and as the the painting material has a strong smell it may make all the insects run away.

We painted the doors, too, and so was the renewal of full house, no need to buy a new house for now, :)
Cleaning is the best way to get rid of bed fleas, after cleaning and vacuuming, we had did smoking in the room and the apartment using a smoke bomb (flea bomb) from any store or using some incense sticks, such as that used in yoga and meditation, lock the room so well to let the incense smoke heavily deployed in the room.

Every night we are keen to physical hygiene and the use of perfume or scented creams largely, because fleas and bed bugs all troubled by the strong odor and sliding on the body which moisturized with cream.

Fight against fleas in carpet and bed lasted several weeks and ended with a fantastic victory on fleas.

Believe me, we didn't used any special detergents or cleaning companies, all we need is to arming the house against house fleas, natural methods still work.

How do you combat fleas using household supplies?
There are a lot of ways to do this. Household supplies aren't going to be the most strong or effective method of preventing fleas however one way that is kind of interesting and it you almost kind of need to try is if you have a flea infestation at home, 
take a small pan, cat litter pan, a cooking pan works if you have to,
just have to have enough water to basically float like a tea tree, tea light in. if you can't light any candles or anything in the building do to a fire alarms and things like that but, imagine this is a little candle ok. 
And we are going to take that candle and you are going to float it in the water ok and light it

and then you are going to take some hand soap or dish soap whatever.
And you are going to put that in the water as well. Shouldn't need a lot and just mix it up a little bit. We are not looking for a lot of soapy suds or anything but, what that water, what that soap does is it does
something to the surface tension and it helps capture the fleas.

So what happens is you put this out in your living room at night and the fleas see the light from the tea light
and they leap into the pan to get to the light. Into the warmth of the light assuming that
it's a animal that they can prey on. And it's not, they lay in the water and the soap helps
hold them in the water and they drown. So it's kind of, and in the morning you take
that and you dump it out and you do it again the next night.

Not really the best way to help fight fleas but it is kind of a neat little thing to do and it can help in it's
own way.

Again also the other thing that can be done is doing our little spritz with the basically lemon tea.
We are going to take some lemons,
six or eight lemons cut them up,
you are going to boil them in hot water
and then you are going to let them sit overnight.
The lemons in the water over night and let it cool down and then you'll take that water,
you'll pour it out, steeping the lemons out,
basically you have lemon tea after it, practically.
Put it into a little spritzer and you can spritz areas with this lemon mixture to help
repel and combat fleas as they do not like the taste of lemon or the smell of lemon scent either.
More Simple Home remedies for fleas
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